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Happy International Self Care Day

Because today is International Self Care Day and even though not many people talk about it, I believe self-care is something we should all talk about. If you read my first blog post you know that it was hard for me to learn to put myself first and make sure I was okay. Not just physically, but mentally also. Sometimes we let so much get to us that we forget how amazing we are. We let people bring us down, let them choose how they are going to treat us, and let them make assumptions about us; but no more. You see after everything that happened last year, I finally made some changes in my life.

First thing I changed was making sure I had a good support system around me that will help me grow as a person and reach my goals. People that would support me through anything and that I could count on always. Then, I finally started to give myself more credit than I ever gave myself. I always counted my flaws more than the things that make me great, and that brought my self-esteem way down. But I turned my flaws into things that make me unique and I learned to love them. I stopped comparing myself to the ideal image people believed that a woman should have and learned to love myself; -flaws and everything. Because what you see is what you get and that is girl isn’t going to change a single thing for anyone unless it is for herself.

Then I started to make a lot of healthier choices, like finally getting into a gym and working out on a daily basis. If you know me, you know that workout out was never my thing but I’m glad that I made working out a part of my life because it definitely helped my get my confidence back and relive so much stress. It is things like working out and meditating that help you clear your mind and can really help make sure you are not just feeling good on the inside but in the outside too.

The next change I made was that I stopped caring about what other people taught and learned to love myself and never dough my worth. I learned that a kind heart, spreading love and kindness is what truly makes someone beautiful on the inside and out. I feel like now more than ever we need to be more honest and kind with ourselves. We need to take time to take care of ourselves and finally put ourselves first. We need to know that it is okay to be sad sometimes but as long as at the end we learn to love ourselves and see that the only thing that should matter the most is our wellbeing.

Looking back now I am grateful for the decisions I have made because now I can say that I have the mindset I always wanted to have and doing better than I ever was. I’m happier, I’m reaching my fitness goals, have the most amazing people in my life and more confident than ever. Trust me Making changes in your life for the good of your own self is never selfish and it is so worth doing. So here’s to becoming a better version of ourselves every day, to putting ourselves first and never letting anyone take away our spark.

With love,

Diana Medina


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