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  • Writer's picturedianamedina97

A look At My First Year At A&M

Updated: Jun 25, 2018

As my second year as an Aggie is slowly approaching. I wanted to write about the things College Station has taught me my first year here. Along with some of my experiences here in College Station.

1.Never Give up

- The first thing I learned when I became an Aggie, was to never give up on my dreams. When I got my acceptance in June it was one of the best days of my life. That day my dream of becoming an Aggie came true. Becoming an Aggie was something I have always dreamed of, and i get to live that dream every day now. During High School my senior year I made a list of colleges I wanted to apply to and visit. On that list, A&M was the first one, but I made myself believe that I would never be good enough to get in. I put my Aggie dream on hold and decided to start at another college. Deep down I knew that when I had the chance to transfer to A&M I would. Fast forward to my second semester in college, I got accepted to Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. As the end of my second year in college was near I started talking to my sister about applying to transfer to College Station for the next school year. After many talks with my parent’s, faculty, and friends they encouraged me to go for it and apply. After I sent out my application and anxiously waited for A&Ms decision I focused on finishing my semester strong. When the day finally came, and I saw my acceptance on my AIS portal. I cried and ran out of the Glasscock building to call my parents. When it comes to our dreams, we always tend to put them on hold. We do this because we believe that we are not good enough. Texas A&M has taught me that no dream is ever impossible if you believe in yourself and go after it.

2. You truly make the best friends in Aggie land

-This is for my Aggieland soul sister Elena and all the amazing people I got to meet my first year at A&M <3. When I left TAMUCC I wondered how things were going to be in College Station. I did not know if I was going to make any friends and if I would ever fit in. Then a few days later I met Elena. I will never forget going to St.Marys for the Aggie dinner and squeezing so many aggies in one table. I'm so thankful that we keep in touch and made memories that brought us closer. I want to thank you for staying with me during my best and worst moments. Along with that dealing with me and my “she pulled a Diana” moments (haha!). Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most and never giving up on me. Thank you for pushing me out of my shell and reminding me that it is okay to live a little. Thank you For dying with me at the gym and for our Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches talks after. I could not have asked for better friend to experience Aggieland with. When it comes to Aggieland You make the best friends in class, at football games or just walking around campus. I’m thankful that I have friends in my life who I can count on to help me get through those stressful college days. Ones who I can go on random food runs, gossip and laughs with. But most importantly friends that just allow me to be my true self. To Elena and the friends, I made here I love you so much! I don’t know what my life would be without you guys. Thank you for bringing out the best in me.

3. Put yourself first and make sure you are not just okay physically but mentally also

- I feel like this lesson was one of the most important lessons that I learned the hard way but that I’m so thankful that A&M taught me. College can be stressful and sometimes life happens. Things can get tough to were you hit your breaking point. One thing that I always struggle with (and still do) is putting myself first and making sure I am okay mentally and physically. Just as this semester was full of happy times it was full of sad ones. This past school year I went through a lot. Being in a new city where I was away from my family and close friends was hard. When I got to A&M I had to get used to a new school that expected more of me. The pressure was on to do my best, but sometimes that didn’t happen. My grades were lower than before and I was struggling more than I have ever had. Let's just say I hit my lowest points being here at A&M. I felt like I was letting everyone down no matter what I did and that I was never good enough. I stopped doing things that I loved and Hid my emotions. Some days I acted like everything was okay and that I was fine but deep down I was not. There were days where I would go to my apartment to cry because of stress, loneliness and feeling like a complete let down until one-day things changed. One day I was talking to my friend Oreonnia who I met At UCLA (shoutout to my shpep ucla classmates!!) and we talked for hours on the phone about How I was feeling. Oreonnia told me, “Diana it is just as important to be okay physically as it is mentally”. So I started to open up more about my feelings. You see College can be stressful sometimes and you have to realize that there are people that are going through the same things as you. Just like they can get through it so can you. Some of the things that I learned is the importance of having people around you to support you and hear you out when you need them to. This is important because having a good support system around can help you through your toughest times.

Another thing is that sometimes you need to be alone and that is okay. Find that one place where you can just go to when you need to be alone or just clear your mind for me that place is the rooftop. I love the rooftop because not only does it have a beautiful view, but I can sit outside feel the fresh air and just forget about everything. Looking at the view at the rooftop reminds me of how much there is out there in the world that we do not see and the beauty of god’s creation. I also learned that Music is the best escape. You see music has always been beautiful to me because there is always that one song that just gets you and makes you feel even more connected to your emotions. There is always that one song that can express what you feeling so perfectly no matter if you are sad, happy or just confused. As you see my year in Aggieland had its ups and downs. But sometimes we have to go through the darkness to get to the light. Sometimes we have to know that it is okay to not be okay and remember that we can get through it. We are humans and we will have our good and bad days but there will always be someone who will care and be there for you when you need them. It is important to put yourself first also because one thing that is for sure is that you are going to be with yourself forever. So learn to love yourself because no one will do it better than you. A&M has taught me that life and college can be tough but you have to sometimes put yourself first and make sure you’re okay.

4. making a big decision and changes can be scary but it can also be the best thing that you could have ever done

- You see coming to A&M and moving to College Station I was scared of how life could be and if it was the best decision but now looking at how much things have changed this year I learned this year is that it was probably the best decision I have ever made. I feel like sometimes we are scared to make changes because we get to use to our own bubble but we have to break out of that sometimes and get out of our comfort zone. One thing that A&M has taught me is that you will change and you will meet people who will change you, not for the sake of changing you but for you to experience new things and see life in a different way. You know A&M has taught me to try new things like going out and being involved in all of the amazing events that Aggies put together not only for the free food (well sometimes haha) but to make memories with friends and other Aggies. It taught me how to break out of being shy and go up to people who maybe you never talked to just for the sake of making new friends. A&M has also taught me that I am a member of team no sleep and that I need coffee sometimes to get through the day . Another thing that learned is that I have changed but only for the better. I started to be more open to people started to try new things and those were the days where I had my best memories. They say that you truly find yourself when you are free and open to new things. You might find something that you did not like are actually fun like ping pong even do you are the worst at it but that makes the game even funnier. Then you also meet people that will get you closer to your roots and make you realize all of the things that you have been missing. I feel like I’m finally at that point in my life where I feel like I am living my best life and being the 21-year-old that I am. I also changed and stopped trying to please others because I feel like that Is one of my biggest flaws. it Is okay to Want to please others but at the same time, it is okay to put yourself first and say no. You see you have to make changes in your life because that is the only way that you will be able to be your true self and be happy. Change can be scary and make us nervous but at the same time, they can be the best thing that has ever happen because not only do you learn more about yourself but also helps you grow as a person.

So as you can see my first year at Aggieland was definitely was full of ups and downs but I would not trade it for the world. You know College Station has taught me many things that I am forever thankful for. Some things that I learned I had to the hard way and then some came easy. I have to say the ones that I learned from the most are the ones that were the toughest ones to learn from. As I look back at my first year I could not be more thankful of the amazing support system that I have. For constantly being by my side through the goods, the bad’s and for not giving up on me when I gave up on myself. My friends and family bring out the best in me and I’m so thankful for each and every one of them. I cannot wait to see that my junior year at A&M holds and I cannot wait to make more memories with the people that mean the most to me. I’m so grateful to be an Aggie and that I get to Attend my dream college.

With Love,

Diana Medina <3


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